16. St. Gurius of Kazan and Varsonofy of Tver

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The 17th century icon cut-in wood of the 19th century (vrezok).
Wood, lewkas, tempera.
Size: 22x19x2 cm.

Highly professional level of painting. In good condition.

St Gurius, Archbp. Of Kazan (+1563)
Prelate Gury, in the world Grigory Rugotin, was born in Радонеже, in poor seignioral family, and in a youth had arrived on service to prince Penkovu. Already then he carried out a selfless life. Prince has grown fond of the mild young man and has charged him to manage all his house, but colleagues with envy have slandered him before prince in прелюбодеянии with his wife, and only protection of the son of prince has rescued in anything not повинного юяошу from death. But he was kept in deep ров and left there for 3 days on a sheaf овса and a little bit of water. Grigory encouraged itself of examples of ancient martyrs and thanked the God for a solitude. One friend secretly delivered a paper, feathers and ink to him. Grigory made alphabets for children, and his friend sold them and distributed money under his request to beggars.

This icon has collection level.

Price: 3200 Euro

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