5. The Assembly Of The Archangel Michael

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Second half of the19th century. Moscow school.
Wood (cypress), lewkas, tempera.
Size: 17,5x14x1 cm.

It is a classical example of the traditions of Russian iconography. The icon is in very good condition.

The Archangel is shown in the centre of a gathering of angels. A disk is held before him on whom Christ Immanuel is seen. Usually Christ is depicted within a disk and not shown in full length. Here Christ is supported by red six-winged Seraphim and below are red circles with fiery wheels called "Thrones". The seven Archangels, each identified with their name inscribed within their halo surround him. The other angels represent the remaining "Angels" and "Principalities".
The inscription is “Sobor Stago Arkhistratiga Mikhaila “ (The Assembly of the Holy General Michael).

“Assembly” is Sobor in Slavonic and Synaxis in Greek.

This icon has collection significance.

Price: 2900 Euro

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